INTRODUCTION: Get To Know Me (How I Went Into UI/UX Design)

LizBeth Ezeh
3 min readMar 9, 2022

Hello guys👋. This is my first post on Medium and I really have no idea what I’m doing (lol😁). But I guess this blog would be all about my career, life, risks and success stories. So welcome, I hope you stick around and I would love to see your comments 😊.

So, my name is Elizabeth Chiamaka Ezeh, I’m from Eastern Nigeria and I am a Scorpio ♏️ 😌(that’s if you believe in zodiac signs). First child of a family of 4. I’m a final year student in a Nigerian university (Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State) under the discipline Industrial Relations and Personnel Management(IRPM), in my spare time I love reading, Cooking (I’d share a few recipes with you all), seeing crime shows and relaxing 😎.

Studying IRPM wasn’t my first choice, but it finally became a really great fit for me. And that is because it’s a practical course, with new issues that needs thinking to solve within the management and it also helps with personal relationships as well because we were taught bits of psychology in the course of our studies.

I’m currently on a pathway to tech 👏. And just so you know, it’s daunting. I’m scared because I sometimes feel I wouldn’t be good at it, and many other times, I’m so optimistic I can’t wait to show the world what I’ve got.

The tech path I chose was UI/UX designs. And I chose it because I have no experience in tech, and still struggling my way around a computer (we weren’t that privileged) but I’m really enjoying my new passion because it gives opportunities to be innovative and creative and also helps me chip in a bit of my Human resource knowledge by putting users first and helping them solve problems.

I firstly began my tech journey through watching videos on YouTube about UX designs. After watching several videos, I broke my piggy bank and got myself a laptop and decided to get to work.

I enrolled in a Google UX course on Coursera and it has been a nice journey so far. Learning about UX opens your mind and lets you observe things you never used to. And so far, I think I made a good choice. I’d continue the updates about my courses and my progress with you guys as I carry on.

What I want is, if you have anything to take from reading this piece, the most greatest should be that you are never too late in trying out new things. Everyone has their time and yours began the moment you decided to start. So, whenever you need some inspiration, check this post of a final year HR student going into Tech. Two unrelated courses, but trying to make it work and I will make it work.

So, that’s it for today. Thank you for coming by and I hope to read from you soon. Until next time 👋👋.



LizBeth Ezeh

UI/UX design Student , HR manager, passionate about gaining new ideas, reading and making things easier. Trying my hands on writing ( hope it works out) cheers